Amalānanda (13. Jh.)
Sastra Darpana / by Sri Amalananda. - Srirangam : Sri Vani Vilas Press, 1913. - iii, 11, 369 S. - (Sri Vani Vilas Sastra series ; 7)
Einheitssachtitel: Śāstradarpaṇa
Notiz: Nebentitel in Devanagari-Schr.: Śāstradarpaṇam / ... Bhagavad Amalānandaiḥ viracitam. - Śrīraṅgasya Śrīvāṇīvilāsamudrāyantrālaye saṃmudritam, 1913. - Vorw. S. ii-iii: "... the work was edited with the hearty co-operation of Brahmasri Vaidyanatha Sastrigal, Professor of Mimamsa at the Sanskrit Institute of Bangalore ...". - Kommentar zu Śaṅkara <Ācārya>: Brahmasūtrabhāṣya
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