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Buch oder Monographie

1922 Dasgupta: History of Indian Philosophy Vol. 1

Dasgupta, Surendranath (1885-1952)
A history of Indian philosophy / by Surendranath Dasgupta. - Vol. 1. - Cambridge : At the University Press, 1922. - xvi, 528 S.

URL: http://www.archive.org/details/historyofindianp01dasg (Internet Archive. Digitalisiert: 2. Febr. 2009, Vorlage: Univ. of California Libraries)
Dateiformat: Daisy; DjVu; ePub; G; Kindle; PDF; TXT

1961 Dasgupta: History of Indian Philosophy Vol. 4

Dasgupta, Surendranath (1885-1952)
A history of Indian philosophy / by Surendranath Dasgupta. - Repr. - Vol. 4: Indian Pluralism. - Cambridge : At the University Press, 1961. - xiii, 483 S.

1952 Dasgupta: History of Indian Philosophy Vol. 3

Dasgupta, Surendranath (1885-1952)
A history of Indian philosophy / by Surendranath Dasgupta. - Repr. - Vol. 3. - Cambridge : At the University Press, 1952. - xiii, 614 S.

1957 Dasgupta: History of Indian Philosophy Vol. 1

Dasgupta, Surendranath (1885-1952)
A history of Indian philosophy / by Surendranath Dasgupta. - Repr. - Vol. 1. - Cambridge : At the University Press, 1957. - xvi, 528 S.

1920 Dasgupta: Study of Patanjali

Dasgupta, Surendranath (1885-1952)
The study of Patanjali / by Surendranath Dasgupta. - Calcutta : University of Calcutta, 1920. - ii, 207 S.

1934 Das: Sakti

Das, Sudhendu Kumar (1---)
Śakti; or, Divine power (a historical study based on original Sanskrit texts) / by Sudhendu Kumar Das. - [Calcutta] : University of Calcutta, 1934. - xiv, 298 S.

1915 Das: An introduction to the grammar of the Tibetan language

Das, Sarat Chandra (1849-1917)
An introduction to the grammar of the Tibetan language : with the texts of Situhi Sum-rTags, Dag-je sal-wai me-long and Situhi Shal-luṅ / by Sarat Chandra Das. - Darjeeling : Printed at the Darjeeling Branch Press, 1915. - 2, [5], 2, [2], XXVII, 62, 50, vi, 2, 88, 5, 2, 27, 2, 35 S.

1902 Das: Tibetan-English dictionary

Das, Sarat Chandra (1849-1917)
A Tibetan-English dictionary with Sanskrit synonyms / by Sarat Chandra Das. Revised and ed. under the orders of the government of Bengal by Graham Sandberg and A. William Heyde. - Calcutta : The Bengal Secretariat Book Depôt, 1902. - XXXIV, 1353 S.

1921 Das: Life and letters of Toru Dutt

Das, Harihar (1895-1952)
Life and letters of Toru Dutt / by Harihar Das. With a foreword by H. A. L. Fisher. - London [u.a.] : Oxford University Press, 1921. - xiv, 364 S. : Ill.

1877 Darmesteter: Ormazd et Ahriman

Darmesteter, James (1849-1894)
Ormazd et Ahriman : leurs origines et leur histoire / par James Darmesteter. - Paris : Vieweg, 1877. - 360 S. - (Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes Études : sciences philologiques et historiques ; 29)

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