Kalhaṇa (12. Jh.) [u.a.]
The Rája Taranginí : a history of Cashmir consisting of four separate compilations, viz. 1. the Rája Taranginí, by Kalhana Pandita, 1148 A.D.; 2. the Rájávalí, by Jona Rája (defective) to 1412, A.D.; 3. continuation of the same, by Srí Vara Panḍita, pupil of Jona Rája, A.D. 1477; 4. the Rájávalí paṭaka, by Prájya Bhaṭṭa, brought up to the conquest of the Valley by the Emperor Akber / commenced under the auspices of the General committee of public instruction; transferred to the Asiatic Society, with other unfinished Oriental works, and completed in 1835. - Calcutta : Baptist Mission Press, 1835. - 312, 121, 6 S.